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Sunday, 2 August 2015

Follow me on Moneycontrol.com

Dear  Blog viewers,
Well I have tried to share my knowledge to those who are in new in the market and dont know how to play and win in the market. You can see how the quality share give you un expected return and can change your life. You need to find quality stocks and have patience to hold it till co. growing. Many of investor hold stock 3-4 years while they are in loss and waiting for stock price to reach their purchase price and as soon as it reach they sell out with no profit. While they are in profit, they sell stock at 10-15% rise and cant hold longer. Dont worry even me did this in the past, but i learnt from it that we must hold the stock till co. has growing potential, and it may be1 year 2 or 4 or 7 or 10 year. Rakesh Jhunjunwala also holding Titan, CRISIL and many other stock since last 10-15 years, and did not sell even one share why?????????? Because he still see growing potential in the co. And if stock is giving 15-20 % return in a every year, then why should we sell the stock!!!!!!

Your suggestions, query or any feedback will be appreciated by  me and have subject to share with you.

I also post message on Money control Board. My ID is  pkb4pk , follow me on moneycontrolboard. Thanks.

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